
Chapter five | Divorce


- For the Sunnis and the Shiites: There are no restrictions on a man’s right to exercise his free will in divorcing his wife. A man has as well the right to refuse divorce before or after mating. Exceptions: when the wife possesses the right to divorce her husband or when she has the bond of marriage.

- For the Druze: A marriage contract is only dissolved upon the judge’s decision.

How does divorce take place?

- Sunnis: Divorce does not need witnesses and takes place using explicit or commonly used terms while taking into account the husband’s intent.

- Shiites: Two male witnesses are needed. Divorce shall be made in fluent Arabic except for the cases where the husband does not speak Arabic.

- Druze: Divorce is only granted upon the judge’s decision.Divorce does not need witnesses and takes place using explicit or commonly used terms while taking into account the husband’s intent.